CLI documentation

Writing sample for a product without a graphical interface (CLI)

The Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Anonymizer Command Line Interface executes predefined anonymization processes from the command line. Use the CLI to:

  • list the rules, engines or anonymization projects defined on your Anonymizer Server,
  • executes anonymization projects on either a Design Server or a Production Server,
  • display the status of project executions.

The Anonymizer CLI is distributed as a zip file. Extract the content into the folder of your choice. Go to the /bin folder to launch the CLI.

The CLI needs to have access to a Java 8 Runtime Environment installed and accessible from anywhere in a command line terminal (run java -version to find the current accessible Java version).

The CLI launches processes from the Anonymizer Server using the login of a defined user. That user must have all the rights required to run the processes called by the CLI.

To call any action using the CLI, the following syntax is used: anonymizer <command> <parameters>.

Support of the commands from the previous versions of Anonymizer CLI is maintained. Refer to the command alias to know the previous name of a command.

Common parameters

The following parameters are common to all CLI commands.

-H, --help
Display the help message for the command.
-S, --server
[Required] The URL of the Anonymizer Server to which to connect.
-U, --user
[Required] The user used to connect to the Anonymizer Server.
-P, --password
[Required] The password used to connect to the Anonymizer Server.
-C, --crypted
Required if the password is Base64 encrypted.
-L, --log-file
The path to the file where the logs are written.
-V, --verbose
Enable debug and trace log levels.


Alias: anyListProject

This command sends a request to list all the existing anonymization projects or get information about a specific project on an Anonymizer Server.

Usage: anonymizer project [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]... [-L=<logFile>] [-n=<name>] -S=<serverURL> -U=<user>.

-n, --name
The name of the project.


Alias: anyRuleList

This command sends a request to list all the existing project rules or get information about a specific rule on an Anonymizer Server.

Usage: anonymizer rule [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]...[-L=<logFile>] [-n=<name>] -S=<serverURL> -U=<user>

-n, --name
The name of the rule.


Alias: anyEngineList

This command sends a request to list all the existing project engines or get information about a specific engine on an Anonymizer Server.

Usage: anonymizer engine [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]...[-L=<logFile>] [-n=<name>] -S=<serverURL> -U=<user>

-n, --name
The name of the engine.


This command sends a request to list the statuses of all the existing project executions or get details of about the status of a specific project.

Usage: anonymizer status [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]...[-L=<logFile>] [-n=<name>] -S=<serverURL> -U=<user>

-n, --name
The execution session name to get the status.


Alias: anyAnonymizeProject

This command sends a request to execute a predefined anonymization project.

Usage: anonymizer executeProject [-CHV] [-e[=<execute>]] [-w[=<wait>]] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]...[-L=<logFile>] [--parameters=<parameters>][-pc=<projectCode>] -S=<serverURL> [-sn=<sessionName>] -U=<user> [-sp=<sessionProperties>[,<sessionProperties>...]]...

-pc, --projectCode
The code of the project to execute.
Alias: -any.projectcode
-sn, --sessionName
The name/ID of the execution instance to run.
Alias: -any.execname
-sp, --sessionProperties
This parameter is used to declare the parameters of the execution session.
-w, --wait
When this option is defined, the command waits for the end of the anonymization project and for the project to return to a simple status (for example: Anonymization Project Status : OK or Anonymization Project Status : ERROR).
By default, this option is activated and set to true.
Alias: -any.wait
-e, --execute
Create and run an execution instance. By default, this option is activated and set to true.
The project’s execution parameters. Add the project parameter values in JSON format.
In parameters, avoid characters that can be interpreted as a JSON separator. For example, for the colon character in a connection URL server:port, it is recommended to use two parameters for the server name and the port instead.
Alias: -any.parameters


Alias: anyProdAnonymizeProject

This command sends a request to execute a predefined anonymization project, from the production server. Additional parameters also allow the modification of data sources.

Usage: anonymizer executeProductionProject [-CHV] [-e[=<execute>]] [-w[=<wait>]] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]... [-dsp=<datasourcePass>][-dsu=<datasourceUser>] [-dsurl=<datasourceUrl>] [-L=<logFile>][--parameters=<parameters>] -pc=<projectCode> -pv=<projectVersion>-S=<serverURL> [-sn=<sessionName>] -U=<user> [-sp=<sessionProperties>[,<sessionProperties>...]]...

-dsp, --datasourcePassword
Makes it possible to override the data source password.
Alias: -any.datasource.pass
-dsu, --datasourceUser
Makes it possible to override the data source user.
Alias: -any.datasource.user
-dsurl, --datasourceUrl
Makes it possible to override the data source URL.
Alias: -any.datasource.url
-pc, --projectCode
The code of the project.
Alias: -any.projectcode
-pv, --version
The version of the project to execute.
Alias: -any.projectversion
-sn, --sessionName
The name of the execution.
Alias: -any.execname
-sp, --sessionProperties
Makes it possible to declare the parameters of the execution session.
-umv, --useMainVersion
This parameter is used to execute the main version of the project package, if it is defined.
-w, --wait
Makes it possible to wait for the end of the anonymization process. By default, this option is activated and set to true.
-e, --execute
Create and execute an execution session. By default, this option is activated and set to true.
The project’s execution parameters. Add the project parameter values in JSON format.
In parameters, avoid characters that can be interpreted as a JSON separator. For example, for the colon character in a connection URL server:port, it is recommended to use two parameters for the server name and the port instead. Alias: -any.parameters


This command sends a request to list all the Project Packages on a Production Server.

Usage: anonymizer productionProjectPackage [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]... [-L=<logFile>] -S=<serverURL> -U=<user>


This command sends a request to list the statuses of all the existing project executions or get details of about the status of a specific project on a Production Server.

Usage: anonymizer productionStatus [-CHV] -P[=<password>] [-P[=<password>]]...[-L=<logFile>] [-n=<name>] -S=<serverURL>-U=<user>

-n, --name
The name of the execution session to get the status.


About this sample

Previoulsy, the CLI had been considered self-explanatory thanks to the The CLI had been concidered self explanatory thanks to the --help command. However, after reviewing the integrated help of the CLI, the developers and I agreed to create an online version of the help with more detailed descriptions of the critical commands and options, along with the update the integrated help.

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